Why sign-up with an employee background check services company?
Why do I need an employee background check company? How come I can't just screen employees on my own?
By utilizing an employee background check company like HireSafe, employers of all sizes and industries can avoid challenges that come from making a bad hire. Background check companies minimize employers from hiring a person with an unsuitable criminal record or falsified credentials. Or possibly another issue that makes him/her dangerous, unqualified or unfit for the position. (Best background check services)
Lawsuits for negligent hiring are among the fastest-growing areas of litigation in the United States. Employers who fail to demonstrate due diligence can be hit with harsh penalties. Nationally, a third of business costs include employee salaries, benefits, and hiring. It's usually the largest single line-item in a company's budget. With that in mind, doesn't it makes sense to know who you're hiring to protect your most significant source of risk?
Employee background check companies help prevent a myraid of issues including the following
- Negligent Hiring Lawsuits - Pre-Employment screening demonstrates due diligence
- Workplace Violence - History of criminal acts is a significant factor in predicting workplace violence
- Unqualified Applicants - Up to 30% of applications contain material falsehoods
- Time Wasted Recruiting, Training, and Hiring the Wrong Applicants
- Wrongful Termination Lawsuits - Even if they lied in the hiring process!
- Theft, Financial Loss, Sexual Harassment and other Workforce Problems
Signing up with an employee background check company is not a guarantee for discovering all bad applicants. However, just engaging in a pre-employment screening program demonstrates due diligence. It also provides an employer with a great deal of legal protection.
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